3656 - A Small Church Experiencing Fishing

This is Chapelle des Oblats, a small church on the eastern end of Cours Mirabeau.

Here I had the first opportunity to try out the fisheye. The image on the right was taken with the 12-40/2.8 PRO at its widest.

The other two images are from the 7.5mm fish, and in this small room it makes a world of a difference. It’s not exactly what I saw while I was there, the impression of the room is completely different, but I sure like what I see.

In the Image of the Day the fishyness is not even immediately apparent, because I have centered the cupola. In the other image it’s obvious, but here we see the big benefit of this lens: my other ultra-wide lens, the 7-14/2.8 PRO, wouldn’t have allowed me to capture the room in its totality like I did here. No recitlinear lens would have done the trick.