2931 - Not Fade Away II

Autumn is a time for melancholy, especially when it’s foggy in the morning. As I’ve already said, there is no reason to complain about this October. It’s one of the most beautiful in recent years, as if the world would apologize for the ruined August 🙂

Still, there is a reason why “fall” is another word for this time of the year. Here are some fallen leaves to match the mood.

The Song of the Day is one more time the Rolling Stones song “Not Fade Away”. Hear it on YouTube.

There are 1 comments

Chuck Clark   (2014-11-03)

I've never understood the 'don't shoot at midday' meme, or anything like it. You have a closed-comments entry below that mentions this. Fall is great for high sun, or as high as it gets. Polarizers work really well. Aerial photography is good at any time. And buildings with lovely, crinkly, edges work well in high sun too. CWC

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