2766 - I (Almost) Threw It All Away

What do you do when you’re early for the train? Well, if you’re like me, you take images, what else?

This is an image that I took rather uninspired, an image like so many others. I didn’t even check aperture. At 12 mm, an aperture of f2.8 would have sufficed for the image and would have saved me two stops. To make it even worse, I was careless and forgot to switch to manual mode, in order to profit from the OM-D E-M1’s stellar stabilization. As it was, the camera chose 1/40 s and ISO 3200. Oh well, it happens 😄

At home I was pretty sure I had nothing. I already wanted to throw the image away, but as so often I tried to fool around a little in Lightroom, turned the image 90 degrees clockwise, corrected colors, removed noise, made some local adjustments to contrast and clarity, and when I was through with it, I finally found the image perfectly acceptable. In fact I like it 🙂

The Song of the Day is Bob Dylan’s “I Threw It All Away”. Hear it on YouTube.