1663 - Make Believe Mambo

Paul Lester likes fog. So do I. Sometimes. Once or twice a year. I think fog is nice as long as it is a rare phenomenon, but if not, if it comes in September and does not leave before April, the sensation pretty soon wears off.

Here’s some fog that didn’t exist. I don’t know why, but when I processed this image, I suddenly asked myself whether some fog could probably improve the image. Well, I think it does.

The Song of the Day is “Make Believe Mambo” from David Byrne’s 1989 album “Rei Momo”. Hear it on YouTube.

There are 2 comments

Paul   (2011-05-10)

First you didn't like a lot of it, then you manufactured your own. 🙂 Nice improvement. See, I told you about the benefits of fog! LOL

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andreas   (2011-05-11)

You know, I'm always eager to learn 🙂

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