1478 - Even This Shall Pass Away

It’s been raining all day, but it didn’t bother me the least. I spent most of the day cooking and then eating, and I can tell you, on a rainy day there are much worse ways to while your time away 😄

The images are some color impressions from yesterday’s walk. A sunny day, glorious autumn colors, a polarizer and some controlled underexposure. Boy, that’s a recipe for crazy colors!

The Song of the Day, “Even This Shall Pass Away”, is from one of my recent acquisitions, Robert Plant’s excellent new album “Band Of Joy”. But hear for yourself on YouTube.

There are 2 comments

Flo   (2010-11-05)

What? No one lives red, yellow, green and blue? Love it!

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andreas   (2010-11-09)

Well, it's probably the weakest set of images that I posted in a long time, but I was simply blown away by the colors 🙂

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