1250 - Thank You

Hey, it’s not exactly Christmas, but it’s always nice to get a present 😄

I found that today on a wall in Westbahnstraße. I haven’t anything better, so this will have to do. But it’s not only an ironic “Thank You” to the anonymous sprayer, no, it’s also a heart-felt Thank You to you all. We just had #1000, and now it’s already a quarter of a thousand more. Time flies.

I recently mentioned a new project. Well, at least one thing is clear now: I will create a new blog just for programming-related things. If you are interested in program design, model driven architectures, code generation and Java, stay tuned, I intend to go live around next week.

The decision to create another blog is motivated by the fact that I want to have separate RSS feeds, and the second reason is, that though black backgrounds are fine for photography, they strain the eyes when the content is mostly text.

The Song of the Day is “Thank You”, again from Dido’s 1999 album “No Angel”. Hear it on YouTube.

There are 1 comments

Thomas   (2010-03-19)

Yet another blog? Wow, I'm sincerely impressed.

💬 Reply 💬