1090 - Feelin' The Same Way

The same bicycle on two consecutive days? Oh dear, where will this end?

On the technical front I have just solved my feed problem. It was pretty easy really. Struggling with Apache’s “mod_rewrite” and complex rewrite rules was totally unnecessary, a simple “Rewrite” for the feed and a “RewriteMatch” did the trick, thus I expect to see the subscriber count go to normal tomorrow.

What had happened was, that the old source feed “http://blog.andreas-manessinger.info/feeds/posts/default” had not been correctly redirected to my Feedburner feed. Thus everybody who had subscribed to my blog before I began using Feedburner, was now hanging in limbo. Oh well.

The Song of the Day (this would be Wednesday, by the way) is “Feelin’ The Same Way” from the 2002 Norah Jones album “Come Away with Me”. See a video on YouTube.