1055 - The Mirror

This is something different. Yes Ted, I know, I’ve been sucking the color out, but I couldn’t help it, it just happened πŸ™‚

Basically it began with that compressed view down the street. You know, I had no good images today. Lack of time, lack of inspiration.

Now, instead of giving up and taking one from the TODO batch, I put layer upon layer, tried a little this and a little that, finally ending up with more than 30 layers and a still pretty uninspired image. Oh well.

While the process for the street view was improvised and more or less random, I decided to use a similar style for the Image of the Day. I like the sober mood.

The Song of the Day is “Go to the Mirror!” from the 1969 Who album “Tommy”. Hear the album version on YouTube, and if you like, they have also the movie scene with Ann Margret and Jack Nicholson.

There are 1 comments

Ove   (2009-09-03)

while I really like the results of the thirty layers in the main image, I actually like the one on the right better. The compressed view with the many nuances and no visible ground or sky makes it interesting. The faΓ§ade being restored catches my eye, too. Don't know why... πŸ™‚

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